🌻THS September General Meeting ~ All Welcome 

When: Tuesday September 3, 2024

Time: 7:30pm 

Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning) 

Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2024 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. “Come as a guest, stay as a member.”  

Guest Speaker: Robert Pavlis ~

“Lesser-Known Spring Bulbs”

Robert is a Master Gardener with over 45 years’ experience in the art and science of horticulture.  He is the author of several books, publishes garden blogs and has a YouTube Channel called Garden Fundamentals. There is more to life than Crocus, Daffodils and Tulips. Robert will share with us dozens of lesser-known spring bulbs that you can add to your garden.

☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize! 

Next General Meeting ~ October 1, 2024. 


😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.