When: Tuesday April 1, 2025 Time: 7:30pm Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
🙌 Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $5. The 2025 annual membership of $20 will be available for purchase at the meeting by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
🧑🌾 Guest Speakers: “The Fancy Farmerettes” – Irene Kicak and Veronica Tunzi.
The Fancy Farmerettes, will enlighten us on “Hemp for the Homestead”. The talk is about hemp as a sustainable product for hobby farmers and gardeners alike. oh
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting.
🗓️Next General Meeting May 6, 2025
IMPORTANT INFORMATION 😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
🙌 Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $5.
The 2025 annual membership of $20 will be available for purchase at the meeting by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
“March Madness and Panel of Knowledge”
It’s that time for our March Madness and Panel of Knowledge. Jim Mabee, Master Gardener; Cheryl Losch, Master Gardener; and Matt Fenn, owner of Tillsonburg Garden Gate, will be answering your gardening issues. Be sure to send your garden questions (along with a picture if possible) to tbhsspeaker@gmail.com before February 20th. Everyone who sends in a question will be eligible for a special prize draw.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize!
🗓️Next General Meeting April 1, 2025
😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.
When: Tuesday February 4, 2025 Time: Seed Exchange 6:30pm Meeting 7:30pm Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
🙌 Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $5. The 2025 annual membership of $20 will be available for purchase at the meeting by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
🌾Seed Exchange: 6:30-7:30pm Bring Seeds ~ Take Seeds Bring your saved harvested seeds or unused seed packs. Please clearly label the seed packets with name and planting details.
🪴Guest Speaker: Robert Butts, Horticulturalist and Landscape Designer.
Robert Butts aka Father Nature is a 3rd generation horticulturist and a landscape designer. Robert will present “How to Manage Urban Soils.” To have a successful garden, it starts from the ground up. Robert’s presentation will help us have a more successful gardening season.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize!
🗓️Next General Meeting will be March 4, 2025 – March Madness and Panel of Knowledge. Details to follow.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION 😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.
Our first meeting of 2025 was held last evening on a cold and snowy night. That didn’t stop our membership, we are resilient gardeners!
President Christine welcomed 88 members and guests. Barb Q welcomed Guest speaker Sean James. Sean kicked off 2025 with a great presentation, “Incorporating Edibles Into a Traditional Landscape.” He shared his vast knowledge and humour with us.
Annual General Meeting was held following Sean James presentation. Special guest, District 10 Director Joyce Schlegel, proclaimed the resolve of the 2024 Executive and Board and induction the 2025 Executive and Board. We have 6 Executives, 16 Directors and 4 Chairpersons. We are looking forward to an exciting year of meetings and events. Thank you to Joyce Schlegel and Jim Mabee.
Six THS volunteers were recognized and presented certificates for 20 year of volunteer services. Their contributions to the THS include Board/Executive positions, event, program and garden volunteer hours.
Congratulations to Albert Acre, Monique Booth, Angela Lassam, Marie Smith, George Stier and Tim Charlton (absent).
Next General Meeting will be February 4, 2025 with Guest Speaker, Robert Butts, Horticulturalist and Landscape Designer, How to Manage Urban Soils. Annual Seed Exchange – (Members Only) will start at 6:30. Details to follow.
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
🙌 Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $5.
The 2025 annual membership of $20 will be available for purchase at the meeting by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
🪴Guest Speaker: Sean James, Master Gardener and owner of Sean James Consulting and Design.
Sean will present “Incorporating Edibles Into a Traditional Landscape.”
Many home gardens are looking to grow more of their own food, but why relegate edible plants to the back corner of the yard. Many fruits and vegetables are beautiful and offer wonderful texture and colour.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize!
🗓️Next General Meeting and Seed Exchange will be February 4, 2025.
😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
🙌 Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2025 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. We will accept cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
Sign Up for the following events-
🚌 Holiday Coach Tour – Saturday November 23/24 to Newmarket Holiday Home Tour and areas in between. We will accept cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
🎄Christmas Potluck Dinner – Tuesday December 3/24. Spouse information will be announced.
Sharon is an author, historian, teacher and a passionate gardener who will bring us into the world of growing winter hardy cacti. Cacti can bring unexpected texture and colour to Ontario gardens. Come and explore one gardener’s experience in sourcing, propagating and using cacti in the landscape all year long.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize!
🗓️ Christmas Potluck Dinner ~ December 3, 2024.
Next General Meeting and AGM will be January 7, 2025
😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
🙌Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2024 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. “Come as a guest, stay as a member.”
🏅THS Junior Gardeners will receive their awards.
🌳Guest Speaker: Ben Porchuk, Carolinian Canada
Ben works for Carolinian Canada, a network of leaders growing healthy landscapes for a green future in the Carolinian zone. This zone is the most diverse and fragile ecosystem in Canada. Ben will present “Native Plants”. He will share what we can do to bring more native plants into our yards and towns.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize!
🗓️ Next General Meeting ~ November 5, 2024.
😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.
The September general meeting was a great meeting with an excellent guest speaker, THS updates and a social to reconnect with our gardening friends.
President Christine welcomed 87 members and guests. The meeting began with several important updates from the following chairpersons –
🐢 Turtlefest – Jean M
🌸Members Garden Tour in July – Christine. We are looking for 3 gardens next year. Please consider opening your garden.
🥗August Social/BBQ. Thank you to Barb S for hosting and Patty, Barb S and Barb Q for organizing a wonderful event. – Barb Q
📖Board meeting motions passed from June, July and August – Barb V
💰Financial Update Treasurer Report – Frank V
🧑🌾👩🌾Junior Gardener Program – Cathy K. We had 60 children enrolled in the program and 17 children elected to have their gardens judged in August. At the October meeting, the Junior Gardeners will be in attendance for awards.
Requests from membership –
🎨A chairperson for the Station Arts for 2025 . Please contact Christine or a board member if you are interested.
🪴If you are dividing perennials this fall, please consider donating to the 2025 THS Garden Auction. Divide your perennial, plant it in good potting soil, place in south facing location, water until frost and cover with leaves until spring. In spring, clean up, water and donate!
The highlight of the evening was guest speaker Robert Pavlis, presenting “Lesser-Known Spring Bulbs.”
Robert provided excellent information about bulbs and dispelled some myths.
What is a bulb? A Bulb is a complete plant. He touched on Corms (Crocus, Gladiolus), Tubers (Anemone), Rhizomes (Iris) and Tuberous Roots (Dahlia). There are over 3,000 species of bulbs.
If remember anything from the presentation, “Bulbs want moisture when growing and dry when resting!”
The Life Cycle of a Spring Bulb is as follows, in spring the bulb stores food and is converted to leaves & flowers. Do not cut or bundle the leaves. In late summer, the bulb rests and don’t water. In fall, the bulb starts to grow new roots and shoots.
When do you buy bulbs? Buy bulbs in the FALL and plant them immediately! Plant the bulbs 2 to 3 times the bulb height. Bulbs can be layered for a longer bloom cycle.
Robert shared some of his favourite and lesser known bulbs such as Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrops), Crocus “Advance”, Iris Reticulata “Harmony”, Chionodoxa “Pink Giant”, Chionodoxa forbesii (Glory of the snow), Muscari armeniacum (grape hyacinth), Anemone blanda, Tulipa tarda and Corydalis.
Check out Robert Pavlis on Facebook, YouTube and his Podcast – “Garden Fundamentals”
Congratulations to Marie, she was spotted with her “mug” at the September meeting. She received a sweet treat for “Lug A Mug”.
Next meeting will be October 1, 2024 – Native Plants, Carolinian Canada.
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2024 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. “Come as a guest, stay as a member.”
Guest Speaker: Robert Pavlis ~
“Lesser-Known Spring Bulbs”
Robert is a Master Gardener with over 45 years’ experience in the art and science of horticulture. He is the author of several books, publishes garden blogs and has a YouTube Channel called Garden Fundamentals. There is more to life than Crocus, Daffodils and Tulips. Robert will share with us dozens of lesser-known spring bulbs that you can add to your garden.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize!
Next General Meeting ~ October 1, 2024.
😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2024 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. “Come as a guest, stay as a member.”
Guest Speaker: Anne Gooch presents
“SO…What’s a Hosta?”
Anne Gooch discovered Hosta’s 25 years ago. She was immediately hooked and now has 400 different Hostas in her shady backyard. She is a member of the Southwestern Ontario Hosta Society and has a vast knowledge of these tough and easy to grow plants. Anne loves to share the good news on how to add shades of green to the garden.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize! Congratulations to Tamara, May meeting prize winner.
Summer Events ~
🌸July 2nd Member’s garden tour
🌻August 6th Annual Summer BBQ & Social
🌼Next General Meeting ~ September 3, 2024 ~ Robert Pavlis presents “Lesser-Known Spring Bulbs”
😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.