Category Archives: It’s Still Just Dirt

Ants and Who Does Not Have Them?

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg Norfolk News – June 2021
by Angela Lassam

Ants have been on earth forever. It is estimated at any time to be over a quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) in the world. In the gardening world they are a beneficial insect although they are not the most popular one to many. You will not need to look far to find them.

Peonies are a favourite flower for ants.

The common ants – Lasius Niger are the small black ants we are familiar with. They make mounds of soil to form a colony and keep a queen who lays eggs. Ants who are called workers feed her. Her eggs turn to larvae which look like tiny grubs and complete the cycle to ants within two weeks. In August/September some ants will grow wings and mate for the next year. The male then dies and the females return to the soil for winter to repeat again the next year.

Other ants you may see are the larger carpenter ants that are found in moist decaying wood. Outdoors they are in rotted wood, logs and boards. In homes they can be in the wood structures where moisture has gone un-noticed – maybe during renovations. They tunnel making galleries and progress leaving a sawdust behind them. The moist wood then grows fungi and bacteria forms. Removal is the only answer and then you will need pest control assistance.

Fire ants found in lower USA give painful stings. They are not in Canada. The European red fire ant is similar and found here in Canada since the year 2000.They accidently arrived from Europe and were first seen in greenhouses. Outdoors they live in a very humid space under rocks, any old wood or rotted trees. They can give a very painful sting if disturbed and can create an allergic reaction even anaphylactic shock. 

The ‘good’ side for leaving ants in your garden is their activities help vegetables and flowers to grow. They are great indicators of aphids, whitefly and mealybugs being present. They are a food source for them. They travel from plant to plant searching for nectar to take back to the nest for the queen. As they move round your plants they carry pollen on their feet so they are natural pollinators. They aireate the soil when they tunnel to make temporary homes and carry dead vegetation which in turn adds compost to the soil.

They are not fussy where they make their temporary homes and you can kill them especially if you have pets or need to protect vegetables and fruit. Artificial sweeteners can be used, a 50/50 mixture of powdered sugar and baking soda or it is said a sprinkle of baby powder will work. Diatomaceous earth can work as well if you commonly use it.

Peonies are a favourite flower for ants. As the bud forms honey dew secretes at the sepals which is the best food source early in the season. They will eat any predatory insects eating the bud on their travels. It is a myth that they tickle the bud encouraging blooming. 

For cut flowers it is necessary to cut when completely in tight bud stage or you will need to plunge the heads into water and wait for the ants to surface before you make your arrangement of these beautiful flowers.

An interesting fact is the native Americans in the southwestern deserts used to eat the honeypot ants as a snack and considered as a delicacy.

Now you know how ants live in the garden you may not be so quick to kill them. They are natural pollinators and caretakers in the garden and an important part of the eco-system.

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society have had member plant sales with excellent response so many thanks to those who visited them. Funds help us keep our town beautiful for everyone to enjoy. 

The Junior Gardeners Program has started with packages delivered to participants and they will be judged in August by member volunteers. 

Hopefully we will be able to resume monthly meetings in the fall when Covid restrictions allow.

 Updates can be found on the website or Facebook-Tillsonburghorticultural.

Let’s Give Dandelions Some Space

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg Norfolk News – May 2021
by Angela Lassam 

There are many good reasons for us to give dandelions some space.

Dandelions have been given a bad name by the gardeners who wish for a perfect lawn. It is not the invasive weed most people think it is. 

It is a perennial herb introduced to the U.S. and Canada by the pilgrims who brought dandelions with them to use as a medicine and food crop. The yellow flowers are the first color we see after the winter and you will see fields of permanent pasture and roadsides covered with the flowers. They pop up in lawns every year even if you try to eradicate them. Many people consider them to be weeds.

The flowers are the first pollen and nectar for bees and other insects and the leaves and seeds feed birds, chipmunks and other wildlife. Later the fluffy heads will be used by hummingbirds to line their tiny nests.

For the gardener the roots will go deep (it is said they will grow 10’ to 15’ deep) and will open the hardest, poorest soil. When the plants are cut and composted they can add nutrients to the soil as they are rich in calcium, iron and potassium.

All parts of a dandelion are edible. It has a bitter, peppery taste. The root can be dried and used as a coffee substitute as it is in the Chicory family, or roasted and used as you would use turnip. The leaves can be added to a salad, pizza or made into pesto. They can be made into chips similar to kale. Remember if using leaves pick from where there has never been any pesticides or herbicides applied. The flowers can be added to a salad or make a refreshing tea. You can use the flowers to turn your hand to making a good wine.

Dandelions have been used medicinally for centuries. They are rich in vitamin A, C and K. They can be used to detoxify the body and support healthy liver and kidney function. They are reputed to be an appetite stimulant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and able to balance blood sugar also lower cholesterol. The sap/milk in the stem is latex. It is said to cure warts and can be used to heal scrapes and cuts.

For spinners and weavers who use natural dyes the dandelion has many colour variations. The root with alum create magenta, added to tin and vinegar gives a purple, and the flowers produce a vivid yellow. 

Maybe with this knowledge you may give the ‘weed’ a second thought. It gives us our first glow of outdoor colour in the spring. Every part of a dandelion has been proven good for our gardens and our health.

I used dandelions as my subject as it is yellow. It is the colour of hope and Communities in Bloom and all gardeners are encouraged to plant ALL yellow. It is our hope to end the pandemic and get back to a new normalcy.

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society has had a positive response to a modified Junior Gardeners Program. For any information contact Pat Zeyen –  email

There will be a Zoom meeting for members on June 1st@ 7.30 p.m. featuring Denis Flanagan. The topic will be Gardening Trends, New Varieties and Fusion Gardening. Watch for email.

All updates to Society news will be posted on the website and Facebook Tillsonburghorticultural. 

  Stay safe, stay well until we can all meet again.  

Early Spring but Be Careful

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg Norfolk News – April 2021
by Angela Lassam

Hope is Growing

We are all enjoying the beautiful days and doing the cleanup in our gardens. The sunshine gives us the energy to get active but temperatures will drop and aggressive gardeners may be sorry for their haste.

It is acceptable to remove all leaves left as a false mulch around perennials to allow them to shoot. Remove all dead pieces surrounding the bottom of perennials and pull any dead leaves from the centre to prevent mold /fungus from killing them. It is also a time to relocate them to a more suitable spot if they are not performing as you expected or divide them to control their size and shape. 

Pruning is a good task as branches are easier to take out without leaves and removing crossed branches. Shrubs need bottom cleaning to deter attacks from insects and keep their shape. You may see small new growth beside a shrub and this can be carefully removed to plant elsewhere to make a new one or give away. 

Hoeing will loosen the soil around plants to help them start regrowing and you can remove any early weeds.

Lawns need care and now is the time. Pick up any trash and fallen branches and assess bare patches for later repair. Then roll to flatten out holes and trails made by rodents over the winter. As the grass grows you will need to fertilize.

It is not the time to plant annuals as they need a soil temperature of 20 degrees C. and cannot take air temperatures below 10 degrees C. Plants will be stunted if placed in cold soil. Soil in raised beds is generally warmer and can be planted sooner. There are some vegetables which can be sown or planted preferring the cooler days to start. Potatoes, peas, carrots, swiss chard and radish are in this group.

Planning where to use annuals is a rainy day thought and there is an initiative this year in the gardening world to grow “all that is yellow”. It is called “Hope is Growing” and Communities in Bloom is promoting yellow as it is the color of hope. The country could be aglow with yellow if everyone plants predominantly yellow. Public gardens, planters, front yards and anywhere flowers can be seen are encouraged to be yellow. For those people who are interested in participating in the “yellow” summer go to .      

There is a David Austen rose launched especially for this year which is yellow. It is called ‘Nye Bevan’  to honour Aneurin Bevan who founded the National Health Service in the UK after World War II  and in recognition of the healthcare workers around the world. Sadly it is unavailable in Canada but there are many yellow roses you could purchase.

Tillsonburg Horticultural Society has decided to renew the Junior Gardens Program this year. There will be a limit of 100 gardeners of all ages. The theme this year is “Plant a HOPE Garden” to partner with Communities In Bloom, ‘yellow for hope’ using yellow 4 o’clocks, sunflowers and yellow beans as part of the planting package. More information to follow as the program has been redesigned for the safety of our gardeners and volunteers. This will be co-ordinated by Pat Zeyen  contact

Tillsonburg Horticultural Society opened a Zoom meeting on April 6th which was all about birds. This was to connect members and an email follow-up was sent with very interesting media sites for all to enjoy. No new updates for the future due to Covid restrictions. Check the website and Facebook for constant updates. Stay home, stay safe, stay well.

Vegetables and herbs keep us healthy in these troubled times

It’s still just Dirt, The Norfolk Tillsonburg News – December 2020
by Angela Lassam

Staying healthy is more important now than ever. Gardeners can benefit from their plant knowledge and integrate it into their daily living. Herbs and vegetables have various properties that will help our immunity to viruses and keep our general health in check.

Garlic is an immunity booster which contains vitamin C, calcium and selenium. It controls blood pressure, can prevent cartilage damage and even an anti-fungal – good for athletes’ foot when used in a garlic footbath. It is an infection fighter when used topically but its unusual benefit is its ability to increase white blood cells and can reduce the risk of cancer.

 Horseradish, cayenne and ginger generally stimulate blood flow, kill microbes, and helps digestive infections. Mushrooms strengthen the immune system especially the specialty varieties like shitake. 

All leafy greens are a good source of vitamins A, C and E with many of the minerals we all need. They are packed with fibre, a necessary balance in our diet. Broccoli is a popular vegetable as it is great raw in salads and to dip as a snack. It has an added advantage of a source of vitamin K.

Carrots, sweet potato and squash provide us with vitamin A and beta‐carotene which is converted to vitamin A in the body, and is essential for eye health, including reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Immunity boosters are generally in all fruit and vegetables and the easiest way to incorporate them into a daily routine is making smoothies.

Herbs are vital in any diet and are full of vitamins and minerals. Mint is a potent antioxidant and provides vitamin A for eye health and aids digestion. Parsley gives us vitamin A, C and E, is an anti-inflammatory and contains flavonoids which help reduce many chronic diseases including Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Chives are a good source of vitamin K which helps bone density, has cancer fighting properties and choline folate to aid memory. Basil is another herb full of vitamins A, C and K with minerals calcium, magnesium and omega3 fatty acids. The oil can treat cuts, wounds and skin infections.

For indoor growing of herbs you will need lots of sunlight and humidity so a kitchen windowsill is an ideal place for them. Parsley seeds grow quickly and when snipped for use will quickly multiply. Use it in cooking and as a garnish to finish the appearance of any dish. Chives and mint grow well if taken indoors and when cut will reproduce. Basil seeds grow fast indoors and can easily be snipped to add to dishes raw or for cooking.

Munching on sunflower seeds and nuts give us an antioxidant boost.

Interesting fact – red peppers have twice the amount of vitamin C than an orange.

Tillsonburg Horticultural Society will be contacting members about their membership for 2021 meanwhile no updates; stay safe, stay well and Happy New Year. Lets hope 2021 fares well.

Grass Alternatives

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg Norfolk News – September 2020
by Angela Lassam

It is the time of year to take a look at our lawns and decide if we can make a change. We have drier summers needing constant watering and grubs ‘munching’ away on the roots of grass. Every year we struggle with brown, patchy lawns. Racoons and skunks are no help as they dig holes in our lawns searching for the white grubs to eat giving us many hours of repair work.

The common treatment for this in the fall has been to use nematodes to kill the larvae of the beetles laid in the grass and needs to be repeated every year. For full information look online .

New seed mixtures are becoming more available for the average gardener and worth considering whether you are redoing a lawn or over seeding.

 Micro clover and tall fescue as a mixture is an ideal replacement for lawns. Micro clover is a legume which fixes the nitrogen in the soil, naturally fertilizing it. It gives the lawn a richer colour and needs less watering. It is not a tiny version of regular clover as when mowed the leaves grow smaller and generally multiply with fewer flowers. It is hardy to zone 3 so ideal for our winter. Tall fescue (turf type) is a perennial grass, hardy to zone 4 which does not create a thatch bottom and is complimentary to micro clover. It is a good alternative for reseeding. It should be done in the fall 2 weeks before frost to allow some growth.

 Japanese beetles and chafer beetles in the white grub stage are the ones that feed on the roots of grass and kill it but they will not eat legumes and do not like the open growth of the tall fescue. An added bonus of micro clover is that it is not affected by pet urine (white patches).

Other alternatives to grass can be easily listed:

  • Stones laid in a mosaic in a small area can be very effective using a variety of coloured stones and various sizes.
  • Large river rock interspersed with ornamental grasses can create a privacy curtain and would have low maintenance.
  • Paving stones spaced apart with stepable plants – red creeping thyme, Irish /Scotch moss, New Zealand brass buttons, blue star creeper, creeping speedwell to name a few create interest.

There is always new ideas worth considering and now is the time to think of next summer when you will be enjoying your revamped space.

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society will not have any meetings for this year, please check the website and Facebook – Tillsonburghorticultural for any updates. Stay well and stay safe.

Summer Visitors – Monarchs & Hummingbirds

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – July 2020
by Angela Lassam

In our gardens during the Summer we look forward to watching the hummingbirds feeding and the Monarch butterflies settling on the milkweed that we grow specifically for them. Both are in the group called pollinators although we think only of the bees and other flying insects. Our gardens need these to pollinate our plants to produce food. Every year gardening is a challenge but there is the constant balance of our plants and the butterflies and birds. 

Monarchs are the butterflies most people are familiar with as they are on the endangered list and there has been plenty of exposure and speculation to their demise. They are the big orange and black butterflies that arrive from Mexico in June who are searching for their host plants milkweed to lay their eggs on. The eggs are very small and pale green. They can be found on the underside of the leaves. They feed on the sap which is toxic to any predators (including humans). The caterpillar is quite large and a vivid green and yellow. It remains on the host plant feeding. When it is time to pupate it moves to a nearby bush even into lavender. The chrysalis is a pale green pendular shape and the butterfly emerges and feeds on the flower nectar. Other plants they like are butterfly weed (a bush) which is orange, purple coneflower and liatris. They migrate south to Mexico usually in groups in September. They can be seen resting in the evening on the lakeshore trees in huge numbers if you are lucky.

There are many butterflies that visit our gardens and the Swallowtail is worth a mention too. This is the large black and yellow one that lays eggs on the parsley and carrots. The caterpillar is similar to the Monarch but added white stripes and devours all foliage as it grows. Parsley is considered a sacrificial plant to grow to help the eco-system of our gardens.

Hummer Costa Rica

The arrival of hummingbirds to our gardens lets us know summer is here. They return to the same place from the far south to breed and will leave again the end of August /September. They are the most recognized and popular small birds and encouraged to our yards with sugar feeders (homemade nectar is easy with one part sugar to four parts water changed every two days). They eat half their body weight daily consisting of nectar and insects. You cannot miss the ruby-throated hummingbirds as they have an iridescent green back, white bib with a red spot above on the male and a long beak, only weighing approx. 4 grams. They hover by the feeders or flower heads to feed and a thrumming sound of their wings can be heard. They are speedy flyers and can fly in reverse and vertically, making them a pleasure to watch. Common flowers to grow for them – Trumpet vine, daylilies, cleome, petunias and any trumpet-like flower head.

Hummer Nest

They make a tiny nest of leaves, lichen, moss and spider webs and lay two eggs, well hidden from predators like bats. They are hard to find as they are only the size of a walnut shell. The mother is the sole caretaker. Adults usually live three to five years. 

These are just a few of interesting facts but for a detailed website look at 

For great information on migrating patterns take a look at where you will find maps for various sightings and other information.

There is still no activity for the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society. Check out the website for any updates. When there browse the archives of It’s Still Just Dirt. Also  take a look on Facebook – Tillsonburghorticultural and become a friend. Stay well and stay safe!

Keeping Containers Healthy and Vibrant

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – June 2020
by Angela Lassam

Everywhere you look there are hanging baskets and patio containers full of color to brighten our outdoor living spaces. They will not stay that way without some care and attention. There are three things you must do to keep them looking as good as when they were purchased – watering, fertilising and deadheading.

Watering daily may not be necessary depending on where they are placed. Check the moisture in the pot first, then if needed you can water until the water runs out the bottom. Many pots are very full so heavy watering is necessary to get to all the roots. A good check to see if you are watering properly is to lift the pot before watering. If it is light and the soil is light brown it needs water. A light sprinkling is not enough and can damage the leaves.

Planters and hangers that you buy, normally have a hole for drainage but if you assemble your own make sure there is adequate drainage in the bottom. If there is no hole you must make one otherwise your plants will remain water logged and get root rot. Patio planters will benefit from being slightly raised off the ground, porch or deck. A hoop of some sort or a trivet– check out the $ store is a suggestion.

To keep your plants growing well they will need fertiliser at least once a week. Usually it is powder which is mixed in a watering can and poured on the soil, not on the leaves as if they are too warm they will burn. There are fertilisers especially for good blooming and worth the investment as a container will go a long way and if stored correctly it will last a long time. Fertiliser is an important part of keeping your planter vibrant and continuously flowering. It is better to start with a solution of half strength. Make it a weekly routine to fertilise all containers. Most arrangements have a slow release fertiliser added before it is sold. Home planted ones will need this when planted as well as regular fertiliser watering. Miracle Gro make spikes or sticks specifically for this. 

A daily thing to do when checking the dryness of your containers is to deadhead which means to remove all dead flowers and if necessary dried, damaged leaves. If the heads are left on they will form a seed and not continue blooming. Later in the season you can cut back the long  ‘leggy’ ones and they will branch out again making new growth. Some gardeners take the main bloom away as soon as they buy their planter to allow the plant head to split into many bracts making more flowers per plant. As the season flows you may need to remove dead or unsightly plants and replace with later flowering ones. This adds the chance to follow the flowering season.

When a container is not doing well consider moving it as there are both shade lovers and sun worshipers in flower categories and plants are not usually labelled so it can be difficult for a first-time buyer. Try to ask at the nursery as it will make a big difference to your display of summer color. Begonias, fuchsia, impatiens especially the African type, coleus and trailing lobelia all prefer shade.

People buy flowers to surround us with color but whatever you grow take the time to enjoy the bright natural colors that summer gives us. 

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society is continuing with a Covid 19 watch and will inform members of any updates so watch Facebook or check in on the website . Meanwhile be well, be safe.

Growing Your Own Vegetables

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – May 2020
by Angela Lassam

At last we have arrived at the point where we can sow seeds and put plants directly in our gardens. Many new gardeners have already grown some seeds indoors and now is the time to watch them thrive outside in the sunshine. It is a busy time for all gardeners but for people new to gardening it is another world of unknown. Last month it was all indoors but now everything moves outside. Thankfully nurseries and garden centres are open with many plants and staff willing to give any advice needed. Support for local businesses is vital for the community during these uncertain times.

 I wanted to write the simplest way to help new gardeners so that they are not overwhelmed by the task but can enjoy the journey of the season. True gardeners already know all the following so please think of all those that have never had the time or inclination to learn before. 

Many new gardeners are doing raised beds as a starting point but there is very little difference to growing directly in the ground. The soil has to be tilled or prepared for the seeds where you plan to have your vegetables. Weeds that have popped up as the weather has warmed up need to be removed. If you have a plan already, now is the time to collect everything you need to get started. You will need your seed packets and markers for the rows, a line of string or a stick the length of your raised bed if that is where your garden will be and a hoe and rake to complete the task. Remember to have water nearby, a watering can or hose pipe is needed for the future as well as to settle the soil after planting.

Starting with your layout and seeds, check the packet instructions for depth and spacing. Mark a line in the soil and follow instructions for placing the seeds. Set a marker at both ends of the row and fill in with a rake. Continue with all seeds. Remember to plant only half of a row now and leave space for a later planting. This is essential to get fresh vegetables all season. Carrots, peas, beans and lettuce are the vegetables that people try first. Peas will need a fence or netting to grow up and it is easier to do this now. Pole beans will need a form of support as they grow. Planting in a circle and doing a teepee of canes or sticks over them is an easy way. Squash need a lot of space and can be trained to grow up a piece of wire netting with framework set on an angle.

Next after buying popular plants like tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and zucchini from any nursery or garden centre dig a small hole and water the hole. Take the plant and soften the bottom where the roots may be hard and place in the hole replacing soil round it. Gently firm the soil and water again. Put a tomato cage over the plant or use a stick for support. You can mulch between rows to keep weeds out but it is as good to hoe between the rows to kill the weeds. At that time you can see any problems with your vegetables and take out diseased plants or thin out to allow better growth. You need to water as the soil dries especially after planting new seeds later in the season. 

Remember to buy some herbs and annual flowers to keep pests and insects away and to encourage bees for pollination. Basil planted by your tomatoes will add some sweetness and marigolds will deter insects. Alyssum is another popular flower to add as bugs do not like its smell. Tomatoes will not do well near beans and need lots of space so remember to allow for growth when planting.

 Gardening is a great hobby, it feeds both body and soul so go outside and start your garden. Then enjoy the food that you have produced and experience the better flavours. There is great satisfaction to be able to do this and an added bonus to be able to show children where some of our food comes from.

Due to the Coronavirus Covid19 all Tillsonburg Horticultural Society activities have been cancelled until further notice. Further updates can be found on the website and on Facebook – Tillsonburghorticultural. 

Gardening for Beginners

by Angela Lassam
It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – April 2020

We are all wondering where we will be in the coming months. The STAY AT HOME rule has been difficult for some of us especially the on the go families who had many activities to keep them busy. There has been an upsurge in people researching ‘grow your own food’ and many of you are first time gardeners apart from cutting the grass and planting a few annual flowers. Check out  and a Facebook group called Ontario Gardeners which is a great source for information. Now that you are considering growing vegetables and even some fruit I thought some basic knowledge should be shared.

Before you start any actual gardening you need to look for a sunny south facing spot, remember the sun rises in the East and sets in the West so watch for your day shadows. Set out your design with the wider part facing the sun. This will allow you to grow the shorter vegetables in the front progressing to the largest towards the back. Seed packets give you all the information you will need to do this.

Next decide whether you are going to have a raised bed or directly on the ground. Sometimes it is easier to do a raised bed as turf can be difficult to strip. A raised bed can be made from concrete blocks or wood – cedar or untreated 2’’ x 6” would work well. You will only need to do an 8’ x 4’ bed to start as it is easier to manage and you will be surprised how much you can grow in that space with some planning. My suggestion is to line them by placing old newspaper or cardboard in the bottom to supress weeds especially grass and fill with topsoil.

Next is to decide what you would like to grow. Buying your seeds is simple – even the grocery stores usually have a seed stand or check with local nurseries and order seeds for curbside pickup. They can be found on Facebook where you can message an order.

 The easiest and most common vegetables are peas, beans, carrots, beets and Swiss chard. Small vegetables could be radishes, lettuce, spinach and some herbs. Trailing plants are generally zucchini, cucumber and squash (these need space so plant in a corner or one end and allow to trail outside the bed or set up a trellis). A planned layout on paper will keep you on track for when you start to sow the seeds. All spacing and other information is on the back of every seed packet. It is common to set rows at least 18” apart but in raised beds they can be nearer.

 Lastly tomatoes and peppers can be sown indoors now for planting out when temperatures overnight stay above freezing, generally towards the end of May. This year it can be an interesting project for children to get involved. Kits can be sourced at garden centres using curbside pickup with full instructions. I prefer the one that has peat pucks so no soil is needed to start them, only seeds and follow the method described with the kit.

When it is time to plant outside you will need a line and using a stick or hoe mark where the seeds need to be placed. The packet will tell you how deep and how far apart the seeds will need to be in the row. Then after sowing the seeds water them before covering with soil. Lastly mark the ends of the rows with a marker of some kind -a lollipop stick and felt pen makes a great marker.

Next month I will cover certain steps to keep your beds in shape and growing great vegetables and fruit. I hope you will consider doing this. It is a great pastime and very rewarding when you can eat fresh produce that you have grown.

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society has cancelled all activities due to Covid 19 and any updates can be found on the website or Facebook Tillsonburghorticultural. Stay home, stay safe and be well.  

Gardeners enjoy the Art of Propagation

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – March 2020
by Angela Lassam

Propagation is a way to expand your garden without too much cost but it takes patience and lots of time. It is a method where gardeners and horticulturists create new plants identical to an original form. There are several ways you can do this – stem cutting, layering and grafting.

 Stem cutting is widely used on softwood shrubs and can be done in early spring when new growth has started. It is best done in the morning when the plant has its most moisture. You will need clean pruners or a sharp knife, pots prepared with potting soil or a good draining mix which has been well watered, a tool (pencil or small stick) to make a hole and some rooting hormone, either powder or liquid.

Take 3”- 4” pieces of plant cuttings just above a leaf node. Dip them in rooting hormone and carefully place each  in a hole made with a stick or pencil. Press down the soil but do not water at this time. You will wash the rooting hormone into the soil if you do this. To aid growth you can top the pot with a plastic bag to retain the humidity needed. Place in a sunny location, wait and watch. This will take four to six weeks before roots get established. A good sign is when you see roots peaking out the bottom of the pot. Now is the time to plant into the garden.

Many plants are done this way in the spring. Some common ones are Hydrangea, Rose of Sharon, Dogwood, Honeysuckle, Mock Orange and Clematis. Fall cuttings can be prepared in the same way, often after leaf drop or late winter before budburst. Our usual garden shrubs are Weigela, Ninebark, Mulberry and Euonymus.

Layering is another way for some plants, mostly low growing type to be reproduced. It can be done at any time of the growing season. Lavender is a good one. Simply graze or rub the soft stem, bend it a little and pin into the soil or make a trench which will secure it better. Water often. It is a slow process but needs little care. If done early in the year there will be new plants to relocate after cutting from main plant in the fall. Cane berries are different as they require their tips to be buried 3”- 4” in the soil to regenerate. Strawberries are natural layering fruit as they produce a new plant on the end of a new growth called a runner. It naturally roots itself when the tip (new plant) touches the ground. 

Grafting is done usually by horticulturalists and nurseries specializing in trees. Many trees purchased in nurseries are grafted types. The method used is taking a strong tree and attaching an often ornamental or flowering tree to the strong rootstock. Fruit trees that are more than one variety are produced this way.

Water rooting is a way anyone can experiment with even if you do not have a garden. Most indoor plants can be used to make new ones for gifts or to add to your own space. You simply need a warm sunny location for your glasses or jars. You need to take a tip 3 – 4” long, stripping off any leaves on the lower part that may reach the water. Fill a jar or glass half full of tepid water and cover the top with foil or paper. Punch several holes if a large top opening. Then you can place cuttings through the holes just into the water. Change the water every three to five days. Place in a sunny window and watch for the roots to form. When  the roots are at least 2” long you can pot them up in potting soil and give as gifts or maybe for a plant sale!!

Perennial herbs will continue to grow in the winter in water giving you fresh herbs all year long. Prepare in the same way as stem cutting but place in water.

Succulents are unique to propagate as you cut the leaves from the main plant and leave them to dry off and scab over. Then place them on the top of a pot of well watered soil. It will take some time to show roots but they will form and reach for the soil that you have kept moist. You can cover with soil once the roots are well established. Once established in the soil they require little care and water. A big mistake is to overwater which causes root rot.

It is always worth the time taken to create new plants for your garden, friends and even for sale. Propagation is just another simple way to do this and enjoy the journey to the end when you see more blooms in your garden at very little cost – just time and patience.

 The next monthly meeting for the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society scheduled for Tuesday April 7th @ 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Centre Auditorium, Tillsonburg Community Complex has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus. Watch for details of the May 5 meeting in The Tillsonburg news or look us up on the website  and check out Facebook – tillsonburghorticultural