Category Archives: News

April 2, 2024 General Meeting

Last night, the THS general meeting was interesting and informative. 

President Christine welcomed 85+ members and guests. Secretary Barb V shared March Board meeting motions passed and Treasurer Frank detailed the financial position of the THS. 

Barb Q welcomed guest speaker Chris Streib B.SC (Kin), registered physiotherapist and owner of Talbot Trail Physio and Dayna Cartier, B. HK. 

Chris presented “Bend like a Sapling, Don’t Break like a Twig…”

Chris stressed the importance of warming up and stretching before you start gardening. Also set time limits and break up gardening tasks to avoid stress and strain. Chris touched on common injuries, how to prevent, recover and know when to take a break. Thank you Chris and Dayna! 

Tillsonburg are you ready? 

We are in the path of “totality” in the Total Eclipse of the Sun on Monday April 8, 2024. Director Cathy shared excellent information in preparation for this awesome lifetime event. The Eclipse will begin at 2:02pm and finish at 4:30pm. At 3:16:43 p.m., Full Totality begins. The sun will be blocked by the moon and remain this way for 2 minutes and 8 seconds. 

Cathy stressed “Safety First”  while watching the Solar Eclipse! 

NEVER view the sun with the naked eye or by looking through unfiltered optical devices like binoculars, telescopes, or your cellphone. You require special solar filters to use these to view the sun.

*   Do not use sunglasses or regular camera filters. They are NOT strong enough!

*   The only time you can view the sun without solar glasses is when full totality occurs. This will last for 2.08 minutes.

* Buy specially designed Solar Eclipse glasses from a reputable source with ISO150/23122 certification. 

Cathy shared a Pin-hole Projector. When using the Pin-Hole Projector, you place your back to the sun and look through the projector to safely view the sun. There are many resources on the internet for this fun family project. 

Next total solar eclipse with full totality in Tillsonburg will be October 26, 2144 at 2:31pm! 

President Christine, introduced community garden chairpersons and requested members to volunteer and sign up to assist in the gardens. She shared information regarding the Annual Garden Auction on May 21st and finally details for the Spring Buying Tour on May 30th. More details to follow on the THS spring events.

“Support the Hort”

Congratulations to Anne, she was spotted with her “tin mug” at the April meeting. Anne received a sweet prize. 

Next General Meeting ~ May 7,  2024, 

Brandon Thompson, Cannabis Benefits.

Thank you Talbot Trail Physiotherapy
Dayna, Barb and Chris
Thank you Cathy for a great Total Eclipse of the Sun presentation
“Lug A Mug” April General Meeting winner Anne

🌷THS April General Meeting ~ All Welcome

When: Tuesday April 2, 2024
Time: 7:30pm
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)

Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2024 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. “Come as a guest, stay as a member.”

Guest Speaker: Chris Streib B.SC (Kin), registered physiotherapist and owner of Talbot Trail Physio in Aylmer.

Chris will present “Bend like a Sapling, Don’t Break like a Twig…”
The importance of warming up and stretching before you head out into the garden this spring! Gardening is one of the most popular past times, especially for older people. As we age, injuries can take the pleasure out of our gardens. Chris will help all of us, no matter if we are “mature” gardeners or young, to keep us injury free and back getting our fingers dirty in the garden.

☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize! Congratulations to Louise, March meeting prize winner.

Next General Meeting ~ May 7, 2024.

😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.

It’s Still Just Dirt

By Sue Healey

April 2024

“April, come she will.”

“When streams are ripe and swelled with rain”. So sings Art Garfunkel in one of my favourite songs of the season (there are few). That pure, crystalline voice always evokes pictures of snowbanks dripping into rushing waters under a brilliant winter sky. As March leaves us, cold and damp with a final, inevitable, dumping of snow, and April is forecast to be rainy, there won’t be many brilliant skies but plenty of swollen streams.

All that water has me thinking and digging into rain gardens. I’ve been hearing the term more often in the last few years, usually in relation to native gardening and urban runoff. On a late winter day, watching the water rush down my street and into the storm drain, I decided to explore a gardener’s way to save that water.

A rain garden is simply that, a garden designed for the rain. More nuanced, it is a collection of plants designed to collect and filter water that would otherwise run overland, into storm drains and eventually into our waterways. This water often sweeps pollutants, debris, and soil along with it leading to the poisoning of aquatic flora and fauna. Rain gardens also help prevent the erosion that so often happens with sudden and intense rainstorms. Usually consisting of plants that tolerate periods of heavy moisture, native species are particularly well suited for rain gardens. Best situated away from buildings, they can be incorporated into areas where water naturally pools, using what is already a feature of the landscape. Gardens can be as large or as small as needed and are relatively easy to achieve; dig out a concave area, partially backfill it with a mixture of black earth and sand, and plant with your choice of species. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has published a comprehensive rain garden guide with detailed plans that are easy to understand and free to print or download. They also offer a long list of recommended plants that range from shrubs such as red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea) and elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) to low and tall grasses like tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa) and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii). There are also numerous flowering plants to choose from; butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberose), spotted Joe-pye weed (Eupatorium maculatum), New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) and black-eye Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) to name a few of the sun lovers. If you have a more shaded spot, white turtlehead (Chelone glabra) will do better.

My rain garden would be situated in the area where my rain barrel overflows. I’ve been eyeing it up for the last few years and think it has the potential to be a great rain garden. There is already a small garden in the space, but it’s in need of an overhaul. I grow a number of the plants mentioned in the guide and may end up moving some divisions of Joe-pye weed and black-eyed Susan. I am however, intrigued by those grasses and may choose a variety of natives, perhaps mulched with gravel to further help drainage. This garden would share the space with a clothes line that has no plans of moving. Low profile grasses that wouldn’t  interfere with waving sheets may be the answer to more than the overflowing rain barrel. As always, any digging would be done after good research and only when the soil is workable. As tempting as April sunshine can be, soil temperatures need to be warm enough to accept those eventual additions.

Regardless of what I choose to plant, the rain garden will help store the water I can’t. The garden will save, purify it, use it to nourish the plants that will in turn, help feed and house pollinators and who will, in their turn, become food for a host of other bird and wildlife, who will continue the cycle. April showers will then bring so much more than just flowers.  

And before any major digging, I’ll be doing some warmup with my local Horticultural Society. April’s speaker is Chris Streib, registered physiotherapist, and owner of Talbot Trail Physio. Chris will show us how to “Bend like a Sapling, Not Break like a Twig…”

Meeting begins Tuesday, April 2, at 7:30pm. All welcome. Membership $20/year or $4/ meeting. Come as a guest, stay as a member.

March 5, 2024 General Meeting

March general meeting was interesting and informative. We had a full house of 90+ members and guest. 

The highlight was “It’s March Madness – 2024 Panel of Knowledge!” THS members submitted great gardening questions to the expert panel, Jim Mabee, Master Gardener; Cheryl Losch, Master Gardener; and Matt Fenn, Tillsonburg Garden Gate. 


🌿Dividing Eucomis ?

🌿What is the difference between “Proven Winners” and “No Name” plants? 

🌿White cedar damage, what caused this and what do I do? 

🌿Yuccas, how do I keep it from spreading and taking over my flower bed? 

🌿Pots, pots and more pots! Recycle and reuse! 

🌿Patiently waiting for my plants to wake up for the next growing season? Timing and signs of growth? 

🌿Red bud tree bark is cracking and peeling away at ground level ? Help! 

🌿Difference between compost and mulch? 

🌿Pruning my wisteria? 

🌿 Has Canada come out with a new Hardiness Zone Map? 

🌿Golden Chain tree dilemma? 

🌿How often should l amend the soil in my perennial and annual lower garden? Can you use the soul from previous years con in your garden?

🌿What is the difference between  Dipladenia and Mandevilla plants? Care and overwintering indoors? 

Thank you to Cheryl, Jim, Matt and THS members for sending great questions. 

Answers, ask a THS member !

President Christine shared information about the 16th Annual Garden Auction and Plant Sale on May 21st. This is the THS annual fundraising event! 

Planning your 2024 garden, consider planting “Orange”. It is the colour to plant in 2024! 

“Lug A Mug” ~ Louise was spotted with her mug at the March meeting social and received a sweet gift. Great response to “Lug A Mug” from membership!

April 2, 2024 General Meeting –  

Bend like a Sapling, Don’t Break like a Twig….. The importance of warming up and stretching before you head out into the garden this spring!

Chris Streib B.SC (kin) is a registered physiotherapist and owner of Talbot Trail Physiotherapy. 

Photo Credit: Linda and Pat

2024 Panel of Knowledge, Matt Fenn, Jim Mabee, Director of Speakers Barb Quantrill and Cheryl Losch
Louise was spotted with her mug and received a sweet gift for the “Lug A Mug” promotion

It’s Still Just Dirt

By Sue Healey

March 2024

The season begins.

March always has me scanning the horizon. On the commute home, on trips with my family, anywhere I can, I track the setting sun for signs that the days are finally getting longer. Each day, the sun is a little higher over the barn roofs. More daylight and warming weather kindles in me a restlessness and a familiar urge to get into the garden. I want to dig. Alas, March is too soon to be out, no matter the air temperature. You’ll do more harm than good in that cold and still slumbering soil.

Some gardeners feed that need by nursing seedlings and have been at it for weeks. While I thoroughly encourage the endeavour, limits to time, space, and attention affect how much each of us can grow. March can leave us feeling a bit lost and left behind. What are we to do with our fingers itching for the dirt and noses twitching for the smell of earth and water?

I look again, to my windowsills, scanning my ledges for those plants in need of repotting. The pining or wilting, the ones practically climbing out of their pots. Or the cuttings by my kitchen window that have been rooting in water all winter. These are the first. And this is the beginning of the season for me. I start small, and ease into, stretch out, my favourite time of the year. Larger specimens I leave for later, when the outdoors is an option and the mess matters less.

This year I have a very divergent group that needs my attention; a sansevieria cylindrica (African Spear) which wants fast draining but rich soil, a ficus benjamina (Fig tree), and offshoots of pilea peperomiodes (Money plant), both of which need moister soil. Whatever the mix of plants is, there are a few basic rules that generally apply and make a good starting point if you are new to the game. As with most things in life, there are exceptions and good research is always recommended.

Plants should generally be given a new and larger pot when the roots have filled their container. Young plants and fast growers usually require an annual repotting but as they mature, can live in their quarters for two to five years before needing another move. You will eventually be restricted by pot size. All containers, whatever they are made of, should have drainage holes to allow excess water to escape and be only one size larger than the old one. Too big and roots cannot use up all the water they are sitting in before rotting. Potting soil that is lightweight, sterile and contains a slow-release fertilizer will be suitable for most plants. There are a few; orchids, cacti, and succulents, that prefer a specialty mix of soil which are also readily available. Plastic sheets on tables and floors help protect surfaces and make cleanup a breeze. The actual trick of repotting is easy; fill your new pot ¼ of the way with new soil, remove the plant from the old pot. If the roots are twining in a circle, gently tease them apart. Place the plant in the new pot ensuring that the crown or stem sits at the same soil level as it did in the old pot. Add more soil around the root ball, gently compacting it with your fingers as you fill it. Water thoroughly to remove air pockets and add soil to any pockets revealed. Put them in some light and leave them be for a week before you water again.

You can do as many as you like for as long as you have supplies. Over the years I have repotted the same plants many times and each time I’m amazed at their growth, at their continued beauty and I’m always grateful that I was able to be a part of it. It’s a good way to scratch that itch in March, enough of a start until true spring arrives.

For more answers to these and other burning questions, join the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society on March 5th for their monthly general meeting featuring the “March Plant Madness and the Panel of Knowledge”

Meeting begins at 7:30pm, all welcome. Membership 20/year or $4/ meeting. 

February General Meeting

We had a full house last night at the February General Meeting. A warm welcome to many new members. 

Guest speaker Denise Hodgins, Garden Coach and Designer shared her vast knowledge of “Starting Seeds and Cuttings”. It was an excellent presentation.

Marian presented Volunteer Awards for 5, 10 and 15 years THS members. Congratulations to Angela, Marg, Jean and Judi. We appreciate your dedication to our horticultural society and community. 

The seed exchange was a great success with an impressive selection of seeds. Thank you to Angela & Sue for organizing and Jean for assisting.

🌿THS March General Meeting ~ All Welcome

When: Tuesday March 5, 2024

Time: 7:30pm 

Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre

Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2024 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. “We Support The Hort.”

🌿So excited to bring back the “March Plant Madness and the Panel of Knowledge.”

🌿You have questions, we have answers! Join Panel of Knowledge ~ Jim Mabee, Master Gardener; Cheryl Losch, Master Gardener; and Matt Fenn, Tillsonburg Garden Gate, as they answer selected questions about anything plant/tree/shrub related.

🌿All questions will be placed in a draw and selected for the panel to answer. Everyone who sends in a question will be eligible for a draw prize donated by Tillsonburg Garden Gate Ltd. 

☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize! Congratulations to Vivian, February meeting prize winner. 

🌷 Next General Meeting ~ April 2, 2024. 


😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.

February General Meeting – Tuesday February 6, 2024

❤️THS February General Meeting ~ All Welcome 

When: Tuesday February 6, 2024

Time: Seed Exchange 6:30pm ~ Meeting 7:30pm 

Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre

Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $4.00. The 2024 annual membership at the cost of $20 will be available for purchase. “We Support The Hort.”

“Seed Exchange” – 6:30-7:30pm

Bring Seeds ~ Take Seeds. Bring your saved harvested seeds or unused seed packs.  Please clearly label the seed packets with name and planting details.  

Guest Speaker: Denise Hodgins, Garden Coach & Designer ~ “Starting Seeds and Cuttings”

There is nothing that signifies Spring more than the emergence of a tiny, bright green shoot, from the soil. Come and learn the best methods of planting, watering, lighting, and fertilizing seeds indoors as well as how to take cuttings and increase your plants.

“Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize! Congratulations to Marian, January meeting prize winner. 

🌿Next General Meeting – March 5, 2024. 


😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.

Seed Exchange

The “Seed Exchange” will be held prior the February 6th General Meeting from 6:30 – 7:30pm. Bring your harvested seeds in clearly labelled packets with planting details. Also used seed packets that you no longer need can be in the seed exchange. Knowledgable volunteers will be able to answer any queries.

“Leave some seeds, take some seeds and enjoy the friendship this event may bring.”