Christmas Pot Luck set for December 2

Our members only Christmas Pot Luck Dinner is set for Tuesday, December 2 in the Lions Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. It’s always a fabulous event and organizer Christine Nagy tells us that this year Beres Catering will be providing the turkey and gravy and members are asked to bring either savoury or sweet dishes to accompany the turkey, or for dessert. Please remember to bring serving utensils and hot pads if required for your dish. Forks, knives and china plates will be provided for diners.

In a Heartbeat, a female barbershop quartet from London will entertain us starting at about 7:00 p.m. They will perform a set after our first course before dessert, and another after dessert.

Baskets will be passed around for monetary donations to the Helping Hand Food Bank. The Horticultural Society will take the donations and use them to purchase a grocery card for the food bank. This will enable food bank staff to stock up on milk and fresh produce for their clients at Christmastime.

Those who have volunteered to help set up for the dinner are asked to be on hand at the Lions Auditorium at 4:00 p.m. The dinner officially gets underway at 6:00 p.m. See you there.