When: Tuesday March 4, 2025
Time: 7:30pm
Where: Senior Centre ~ Tillsonburg Community Centre (Entrance with green awning)
🙌 Guests are welcome (non-members) to attend for $5.
The 2025 annual membership of $20 will be available for purchase at the meeting by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
“March Madness and Panel of Knowledge”
It’s that time for our March Madness and Panel of Knowledge. Jim Mabee, Master Gardener; Cheryl Losch, Master Gardener; and Matt Fenn, owner of Tillsonburg Garden Gate, will be answering your gardening issues. Be sure to send your garden questions (along with a picture if possible) to tbhsspeaker@gmail.com before February 20th. Everyone who sends in a question will be eligible for a special prize draw.
☕️ “Lug A Mug” ~ The THS is encouraging members to bring their own mug for a hot or cold beverage and dessert following the meeting. Be Spotted with a mug, win a prize!
🗓️Next General Meeting April 1, 2025
😷Following Public Health guidelines, there are no COVID vaccine requirements and no masking, though you are welcome to wear a mask, should you feel more comfortable.