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You Can Make Hypertufa Pots at Home

It’s Still Just Dirt – August 2015, The Tillsonburg News
by Penny Esseltine

Helen Smith is a 20 year Master Gardener, a member of both the Elgin County Master Gardeners, and Aylmer Horticultural Society. As well she has been teaching hypertufa pot making for 18 years. Members of the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society were the beneficiaries of her hypertufa experience as she lead a pot-making workshop for us earlier this month.

Hypertufa Group Demo

The term hypertufa refers to a type of artificial stone and comes from a combination of tufa which is a natural volcanic rock and hyper meaning extremely. Hypertufa pots are extremely rock-like containers. They’re beautifully natural looking, hardy, relatively light-weight and Helen says you can leave them outside through the winter. The demonstration piece that Helen brought to show us was made in a kidney-shaped mould originally used for water plants and it was planted full of sedum and other succulents.

You can use almost anything that has an interesting shape for a mould. Things like nursery pots, bins, boxes, plastic containers, pails –  you choose. Helen recommends starting with something small. First off line your container with a plastic bag. A garbage bag will work well for this. The plastic lining makes it easy to get the pot out of the mould.

Helen says the mix is very important. The basic ratio of ingredients is two parts peat moss, one part portland cement and one part course sand, vermiculite or perlite. For smaller amounts you can mix this together in a bucket. For our group of more than 20 people making pots, the ingredients were mixed together in a wheelbarrow with a short-handled garden hoe. You can also do the mixing with your hands but be sure to wear rubber gloves because the cement will dry them out.

After the dry ingredients are mixed together next comes the water. Add small amounts at a time. “You don’t want the mixture to be either soupy or dry,” Helen says. “It should be the consistency of cottage cheese and if when you squeeze a handful a little water comes out that’s good.” The basic ratio for water is one to one-and-a half parts.

Once the mixture is prepared it’s time to start filling your mould. Helen’s instructions are to “Scoop the mixture into the mould and pack it in the base and around the edges. Small pieces of chicken wire can be pressed into the sides and base for stability and these are placed in the middle of the mix.” Continue adding mix until it is one-and-a-half to two inches thick in the base and around the sides.

“As gardeners,” Helen says, “we know how important drainage is.” Be sure to press three or four holes into the bottom of the pot using your finger or a piece of dowelling. Lastly cover your piece with plastic and set it in a shady area, or a garage, to cure for 24 to 36 hours. “The pot will be heavy to start  but not so much when it dries out,” Helen says.

Turn your mould upside down to remove your pot. You can use a wire brush to rough up or make markings on the outside. Use sand paper to smooth off roughened edges. Sit your pot on a board in the shade, or again the garage. It will take about two more weeks to cure.

“It’s not rocket-science,” Helen says. “In the end your hypertufa pot should resemble natural-looking stone.” You can plant it full of things like hens and chicks, sedum, mosses, portulaca, creeping phlox, ivy, primrose, miniature hostas, or bulbs like snowdrops, crocus and narcissus.

Natural looking hypertufa pots were a big attraction on the Horticultural Society’s Buffalo National Garden Tour last summer. Making them here at home in a large group on a sunny morning with Helen’s simple instructions was as easy as pie.

Hypertufa Pot

You can use these basic instructions or look for more complex ideas on line by googling hypertufa pots. Up pops information from Martha Stewart, Lowe’s Building Centre, Fine Gardening magazine – take your pick. You can add embellishments, press in shapes, even colour the mixture if you like. Hand-made hypertufa pots are guaranteed to add much natural interest to your garden spaces.

The fall season for the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society comes quickly with the September General Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 1. Mark your calendars. For additional information visit

September 1st Meeting

Please join the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society at their monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Centre to hear Jim Stinson (Assistant Manager, Canadale Nursery, St. Thomas) speak on “Getting Ready for Winter: Fall Gardening”.

Every bud gives beauty for a day

It’s Still Just Dirt – July 2015, The Tillsonburg News
by Penny Esseltine

David Ross says there aren’t many gardens that don’t have a lily or two, but he himself has quite a load. In fact this summer he says he probably has about 60 different varieties in his Straffordville garden. Lily season is almost at its peak. Lilies are tall stately plants that carry a number of large, trumpet shaped blooms on each flowering stem. Each stem can be anywhere from two feet to six feet high. Some are lilies (Lilium) but more are daylilies (Hemerocallis). You can tell the difference because lilies have leaves coming up the stem about every two inches whereas the leaves of daylilies sprout from the clump.

Most people are familiar with the orange daylily that grows along roadsides for a few weeks each year. David says they’re “indestructible and very showy.” Some people call them ditch lilies but like David, I have some growing in my backyard. In fact they have been growing back there, hiding the composters, for decades. They never fail, have been blooming for three weeks now, and still look lovely.

Hemerocallis is a Greek word meaning beautiful for a day. Each daylily blossom lasts only one day but each stem bears many buds.

David says daylilies are a good choice for our area with our wide swings in temperature. There are many hybrids derived from several different species which bloom at different times from late June well into September. Thus plants are grouped as early, mid, or late blooming and this can give your garden colour all season long.

Colours range from purple, bright red, pink, lavender and peach to orange, gold, and yellow. There are bicolored flowers, fragrant ones, and double ones, as well as huge meaty ones. David says he can’t honestly say he has a favourite among the daylilies in his garden. “Every one brings colour to the party.”

“If you’re not a green thumb,” David says, “try a clump or two of daylilies. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.” Daylilies prefer a sunny position with a little dappled shade during part of the day. When planting a clump of daylilies dig a hole about 18 inches wide and six to eight inches deep. David recommends using triple mix blended with the local soil and add a good pinch of bone meal too to help with starting root growth. Then water the plant in well. “Keep a good eye on the watering,” David says and he recommends using either a slow release pellet fertilizer, or Miracle Grow every three to four weeks. Dividing clumps every four to five years helps to refresh blooming.

David says we should talk too about the true lily (Lilium) species. They come in different categories including Orientals, Asiatics, Tigers and Easter lilies. David says this group is being attacked by the lily beetle which is bright red and about 1/4 inch long. “The lily beetle can easily defoliate a plant in just a few days. It has no natural predators and seems impervious to most treatments. One sure way to get rid of lily beetles is by hand squishing them,” David says. “So be vigilant and inspect plants daily.”

“Fortunately the daylily is not on this pest’s menu,” David says, “so we are free to enjoy the great mix of daylily colours available.”

Because they are so popular, there is lots of information on lily topics on a number of websites David says. He recommends the Ontario Daylily Society and you can visit them at

For information about the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society visit

The Fresh Herbs Conundrum

It’s Still Just Dirt – June 2015, The Tillsonburg News
by Penny Esseltine

You don’t necessarily need a garden plot to keep yourself supplied with fresh herbs all summer long. With some soil and a few pots you can turn a sunny balcony, deck, patio or window into your personal herb garden. Herbs are flavour-filled and easy to grow however it’s knowing how to use them that often poses the biggest challenge.

Some of the more common herbs to grow in home gardens include parsley (either curly Italian or flat leaf), basil, dill, rosemary, mint, and thyme. Mint and rosemary are best grown in individual containers but you can easily pack a variety of other herbs into the space of a window box or a large pot.

Chef Les Kozachuk, a graduate of the Stratford Chefs School Culinary Program, has worked in the food industry since 1990. He has applied his craft at restaurants in Toronto, Italy, Ontario’s cottage country, and now in London, Ontario. Les brought his alternative ideas for using home-grown herbs to the Ontario Horticultural Society’s District 10 AGM.

First off Les recommends using fresh herbs to garnish a plate. “You get more punch from fresh herbs if you add them to your food after it’s cooked,” he says. For example:

  • Basil is a delicate herb that is best used on the same day you pick it. You can add basil to olive oil and garlic for a basil sauce or pesto. Use whole leaf basil in a caprese salad with tomato, bocconcini, and olive oil.
  • Lavender can be used in sweet baking like scones. Serve these with cream cheese and honey.
  • Dill works as a garnish with salmon or fish and lemon. It’s also a great addition to a creamy dip served with raw vegetables.
  • Parsley is a mainstay of Middle Eastern Tabbouleh salads and Argentinean Chimchurri sauces.
  • Chives make a nice garnish. You can add chopped chives to potato salad, mashed potatoes, and soups. They’re also great for omelettes.
  • Thyme has a stronger flavour similar to sage, rosemary, and oregano. These herbs can stand heat and are good with food groups like chicken and poultry.

To help you along in your quest to make excellent use of herbs from the garden here are some super quick recipe ideas, compliments of Chef Les.

Make creme fresh by blending together equal parts sour cream and 35 per cent cream. Let it sit on the counter for a day. The enzymes in the sour cream help to thicken the mixture. Serve creme fresh with sliced cucumbers, dill and shrimp.

Prepare a compound butter by starting with one cup of softened butter. Blend in two tablespoons of fresh herbs and the zest of one-half lemon. Shape the mixture like a sausage and put it in the freezer. When you take it from the freezer slice it into coins and put these under the skin of chicken or turkey for a nice herb flavour. Medallions of oregano and gorgonzola butter go well with beef. Simply put a medallion on top of each steak.

To infuse a vinegar with herb flavours start with ordinary white vinegar. Add a few cloves of garlic, then sprigs of rosemary or oregano. Les says to remove the garlic after the beginning stages. Left too long garlic can cause salmonella.

For a Margherita pizza grill a pizza dough crust and add toppings including slices of mozzarella cheese, tomato, and basil.

“Herbs are finished in your garden once summer is over,” Les says. “To preserve herbs you can dry freeze them. Wrap the herbs in paper towels, then foil or saran. Take them from the freezer when you are ready to use them. Chop them up and sprinkle on your food.”

You can infuse herbs like you infuse tea. Make the tea into ice cubes. The flavour is maintained and you can add these cubes to your soups and stews.

Home grown herbs are a great way to add a healthy, flavourful touch to any meal. Rather than having your herbs languish in the garden try using some of our Chef Les tips and enjoy these summer favours all year long.

During the summer the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society meets in different locations away from the Community Centre. In July a members garden tour is planned, and in August it’s a hypertufa pot-making workshop. For additional information check these activities out at Regular first Tuesday of the month meetings in the Senior Centre Auditorium will resume September 1.

Get your garden growing

It’s Still Just Dirt – May 2015, The Tillsonburg News
by Penny Esseltine

We’re coming up on May 24 this week and that date speaks to gardeners. It’s time to check out annual flower displays that abound at not just professional nurseries and flower shops but also at hardware stores, grocery stores and even convenience stores. Annuals can add instant colour, lovely smells and huge variety to your garden. Here, with comments from some Horticultural Society members, is some timely advice about annuals.

May 24 is traditionally the date to begin planting annuals in your garden. Jan Torrell says, “This is only a guide. It depends on the weather.” You can run the risk of loosing your annuals to a late spring frost if you plant too soon. That being said, many of us feel the time has come for some get-your-hands-in-the-dirt gardening activity.

Annuals (as opposed to perennials that last years, decades, or seemingly forever) go through their whole life cycle in one growing season. They sprout from a seed, grow leaves and roots, produce flowers, create seeds and then die. They are popular with gardeners because, with reasonable care, they bloom their heads off all season long.

Annuals allow you to change the look of your garden from year to year. A garden with a backbone of perennial plants can get interest from different annual accents each year. Christine Nagy says, “Adding annuals is also a nice way to tie your container gardens to your landscape gardens with excellent results.”

Some gardeners choose the same kinds of annuals year after year. They may be sentimental favourites or reliable growers in special garden conditions. Judi Misener says, “Marigolds are really hardy, brightly coloured in various shades of yellow and orange and they keep bugs away.”

Catherine Burke says hot pink geraniums are her favourite. “They are low maintenance, brightly coloured, and they last the whole season long.” Speaking of geraniums, Matt Fenn told horticultural members that when he opened Tillsonburg Garden Gate a few years ago red geraniums were, by far, Tillsonburg’s best loved and best selling annual.

My daughter likes zinnias. They come in short and tall sizes, bloom for a long time, and are drought resistant. But most of all their multiple mixed colours are gorgeous.You can buy them as bedding plants or start them from seed right in your garden.

For gardeners looking for new annuals Landscape Ontario publishes a first look at new cultivars coming to Canadian garden centres this spring in its Garden Inspiration magazine. Sometimes they can be new colours of old favourites. Last year I tried a lovely pink petunia with a bright green edge on the flowers. I think it was called Pretty Much Picasso or possibly Picasso in Pink.

This year there’s Supertina Limoncello described as a vigorous annual petunia hybrid bred to keep blooming in a hot sunny spot. Limoncello has soft yellow flowers with darker yellow centres. Landscape Ontario recommends the medium to large size flowers for filler or spiller in containers, but also in landscapes near the front of the garden.

Sunpatiens impatiens introduced several years ago are a great alternative to traditional impatiens as they are somewhat resistant to impatiens downy mildew. They will grow in sun or shade, rain or shine, and provide non-stop colour from spring until frost. Sunpatiens is available in several new colours including pink, magenta, scarlet, and white.

As well you could choose Jurassic Rex begonias described as ideal for gardens and containers in deep shade environments. The foliage comes in bold colours and patterns that will stand out in the landscape. Jurassic begonias can grow up to 16“ tall and 12” wide. They flower late in the season.

Take your pick from forever favourites or new beauties, or you can even choose one of everything that looks good. Annuals are pretty much guaranteed to get your garden growing and glowing. Enjoy! May 24 has come.

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the Senior Centre Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. For additional information check us out at

June 2nd – Frank Kershaw

Please join us at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior’s Centre to be entertained by award-winning Horticulturalist, Frank Kershaw on the topic of The Recycled Garden. Frank will show us how to re-purpose those old garden implements and yard sale treasures to add personality and character to your landscape and create a year-round focal and curiosity point.

Garden Longer, Garden Stronger

It’s Still Just Dirt – April 2015, The Tillsonburg News
by Penny Esseltine

It’s important to warm up and stretch your muscles before and after gardening to help prevent injuries. Occupational Therapist Brenda Fields, speaking to garden enthusiasts at the annual general meeting of District 10 of the Ontario Horticultural Association says some simple preparation can help you garden longer and garden stronger.

“Gardening takes us through a wide range of different movements,” Brenda says, “like squatting, bending, gripping and lifting.” This can result in common gardening injuries like back strain and wrist or knee pain.

When you bend over to do a job like lifting a bag of garden soil you add 100 per cent more load to your back. Brenda says if you twist as well when you bend over and lift you can increase the load by as much as 600 per cent. “The maximum load an average-sized woman should lift is 28 pounds, and for a man it’s 68 pounds.” A 30 litre bag of triple mix weighs in at 28 pounds. There’s a lot of lifting to be done and most gardeners will move a number of bags at one time. Brenda suggests we pace ourselves. “Vary the jobs that you are doing so that you’re using different muscle groups. Do the heavy jobs when you have the most energy.”

“Practice safe lifting techniques,” Brenda says. “Your feet should be shoulder width apart and lift with your legs. Your nose and toes should stay in a straight line. Keep your back straight, and your shoulders back.”

Some additional strategies for safer gardening include:

  • Get help if you have an awkward or large load.
  • Use a wheel barrow.
  • Use tools with handles that have a comfortable grip. The more you squeeze something small the more your muscles will fatigue.
  • Wear knee pads or use a kneeling stool.
  • Keep tools sharp. It takes less energy to dig or cut with sharper tools.

Before you start to garden warm up by walking briskly around the yard or around the block. Get the blood flowing. Perform gentle stretches and hold each for five to 10 seconds. You can find an outline of good before-you-garden stretches from the Ontario Physiotherapy Association online at

Looking Ahead

9th Annual Garden Auction
The Horticultural Society’s Annual Garden Auction is set for Tuesday, May 19 in the Lions Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. In addition to decorative pots of colourful annuals, masses of amazing perennials, and a variety of largely native shrubs and trees, the auction features a miscellany of bags of gardening soils, seeds and fertilizers, and an enticing selection of garden art and artifacts.

Also for sale in the auditorium you’ll find yummy edibles, gardening books and magazines, herbs and vegetable plants and lots of home-grown and divided perennials. Each year the garden auction raises thousands of dollars that the society uses to support members’ gardening efforts in public spaces.

Keep Tillsonburg Beautiful Day
On Saturday, May 9 environmentalists of all ages will gather to take part in Keep Tillsonburg Beautiful Day. After meeting at the Annandale Baseball Diamonds (Concession Street east of Maple Lane) at 9:00 a.m. volunteers will plant about 1,000 seedlings, the beginnings of a forest for the future in an area separating the baseball diamonds from the railway track to the North. Be sure to bring a shovel. As well as planting trees, volunteers will get to work cleaning up local parks, trails and natural areas.

Lastly, the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the Senior Centre Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. For additional information check us out at