OHA District 10 AGM – April 27, 2024
Thank you to the Woodstock Horticultural Society for hosting a great District 10 AGM. Nine Tillsonburg Horticultural members attended the day of activities.
The day began with District 10 business and information. Followed by Rose Odell, OHA Floral & Design, demonstrating 3 different floral designs.
A delicious lunch was served. We viewed D10 societies information displays and the excellent Flower Show. Very interesting and creative entries were judged.
Keynote speaker Darren Heimbecker, owner of Whistling Gardens, Wilsonville, Ontario, shared his vast knowledge and love of Peonies and his amazing gardens.
President Christine and Speakers Director Barb gave society reports.
Local businesses and D10 societies donated gifts for the silent auction and draw prizes. District 10 Board Nominations, Elections and Installation completed the day.
A great day to learn, meet new and old friends. Well done Woodstock Horticultural Society!