Last night, was a perfect evening for the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society “Members Only” Garden Tour. It was a wonderful opportunity to enjoy beautiful gardens and socialize with fellow members while enjoying what we love.
Thank you to four THS members for graciously opening their gardens for the evening tour. Sue, Liz, Jean and Frank welcomed the members on the self guided tour between 6:00-8:00pm. The gardens were different, beautiful and unique. We saw a variety of perennial, annual, native plants and vegetable gardens. Enjoy the photos of each garden.
After the tour garden, Matt, Linda, Thea and Johnny Fenn welcomed us to their family business, Tillsonburg Garden Gate for a social. They thoughtfully served refreshments, treats and set up tables to relax and socialize. We toured their beautiful garden center and members selected lovely perennials and annuals. The Fenn’s generously gave members a 25% discount on purchases and door prizes. Thank you for your continued support to the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society and our community.