Category Archives: News

May 17 Garden Auction – All Welcome!

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society hosts its 10th Annual Garden Auction coming up on Tuesday, May 17 in the Lions Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. All welcome! Check out our annuals, herbs, trees, shrubs, perennials and unusual garden items. Plus there is a Bake Sale as well as a Draw Table with unique home and garden decor and more.

Doors open at 5:45 p.m. for previewing and purchasing from the Toonie and Fiver Tables. and the live auction begins at 6:30 p.m.

Cash and cheque only. All purchases must be paid before you leave.

2016 Garden Auction

Plants to Impress Your Neighbours

David Hobson, author, storyteller, gardener, and humourist from Waterloo, Ontario will be the guest speaker at the Tuesday, May 3 General Meeting of the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society. Plants to Impress You Neighbours will be the focus of David’s presentation. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Centre Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. Annual memberships in the Society will be available for $15 per person. All welcome. Refreshments to follow.

Magnolias, Azaleas and Rhododendrons

It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – April 2016
by Angela Lassam

Magnolias ...

Vancouver in April


It appears we can grow them in Southern Ontario according to Kevin Kavanagh who is at South Coast Gardens near Turkey Point. He has established trial gardens with a variety of unusual trees, shrubs and perennials typical of the Southeastern United States where he spent his earlier years. He is testing the suitability of the more southern plants to the Carolinian forest region which is the most southern of our area. His gardens will be open from May 7th, website:

Magnolias date back over 100 million years predominately in South East China and Japan also two centuries ago found in Europe. They evolved before the pollinators we all recognize when beetles were their pollinators. They would crawl down into an unopened flower and pollinate it so it is  already pollinated when it opens. They are unusual as the flower buds form in the fall and look like furry spikes, flower in Spring and some have a second flowering late July/August. They form bright red seeds which small rodents and birds disperse. Sadly they have insignificant fall color just yellow and brown. Here in Ontario there is one native species called Cucumber tree (Magnolia acuminata) and another is Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera ). There is a small garden collection called Eight Little Girls with names such as Ann, Betty and Susan. All would be a good addition to any landscape.

Azaleas and Rhododendrons are plants we are more familiar with but we must understand the soil they need. A low PH soil, rich in humus (rotted forest junk is good!) is necessary. Sandy soil you need to dig a big hole and fill with rich soil and top with mulch. Clay soil you need to plant on top of the soil and mound with rich soil and then mulch. They have fine roots and only go down 2 or 3 inches so do not need to be disturbed. They do not like the winter sun and wind from the south so location should be considered. Leaves will curl in winter to conserve moisture. Evergreen rhododendrons would benefit from overnight protection in spring to keep soil soft and retain moisture to the plant even an old bed sheet if bad weather is predicted. Plants to try are the Northern Lights Series which are hardy and for rock gardens there is Lemon Dream and Patty Bee. An early spring flowering one is Cornell Pink but there are many varieties to be found.

Once again this time of year is a time for maintenance and cleaning. The birds who help us in our gardens all summer collecting the bugs need their nest boxes repaired or cleaned out ready for new life. Consider a DIY project of a nest box with barn board set on a post for the bluebirds. A nest box on a post is vulnerable to predators (squirrels, mice) so an inverted cone placed below the box is a good deterrent. Also the nectar feeders for the Orioles and Humming birds will need to be clean as they will arrive soon.

If you are looking for a laugh join us for a presentation by David Hobson , a story teller, gardener and humorist talking about ‘plants to impress your neighbour’.

Next meeting May 3rd @7.30 pm in the Seniors Centre Auditorium, Tillsonburg Community Centre.   Members and non-members welcome.

For information about the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society visit



Spring coach tour itineraries announced

The complete itineraries for both the annual Spring Buying Tour (Tuesday, May 26) and the special Toronto Botanical Gardens Through the Garden Gate: The Kingsway Tour (Saturday, June 11) are now posted here on the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society’s website. Check them out on the 2016 Events page.

Sign up for both tours starts on Tuesday, May 3 at the May General Meeting. For additional information about either or both of these tours please contact Christine Nagy by telephone, 519-688-9582, or by e-mail,

Kelsey’s Community Kickback April 26

Kelsey’s Community Kickback program supports the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society on Tuesday, April 26 between 4:00 and 10:00 p.m. Ten per cent of the cost of your regular priced food purchase will go to our society when you present your Kick Back card during the event.

President Judi Misener says last year we raised about $400 through this event. Kelsey’s is of course located at 247 Broadway in downtown Tillsonburg.

Enlist your friends and family members to come along and help raise funds for the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society. Kick Back cards were available at the April 5 meeting of the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society and we are reasonably sure that they will also be available on site at Kelsey’s the day of the event.


Spring Comes Early

by Angela Lassam
It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – March 2016

Patience is hard for gardeners this time of year. The clocks have gone forward giving us more evening time and El Nino has provided much warmer days than is normal. Frosty mornings should remind us not to uncover those tender new perennial shoots. Lawns are greening under the winter debris and it is time to de-thatch and tidy up. The leaves that appear to have been glued down need a good raking and go into the composter. Remember not to compost anything from under walnut trees as they are toxic.

I am sure we have all noticed our feathered friends have returned early. How do they know when to come? There has been sightings of bluebirds, robins, grackles even a killdeer in a corn field. Of course the annual Tundra swans migration has landed over in the Police College at Aylmer and surrounding fields. One day the fields looked very odd as if huge snowballs had dropped down, there were so many feeding.

The spring garden shows that most of us try to attend were once again differently focused. Stratford Festival is always popular. It’s not large but is well planned and offers a good array of speakers. The displays were full of whimsy and colour and as always good ideas. Solar lighting has become brighter and larger, even lamp posts are available. David Hobson gave a presentation on the famous Chelsea Flower Show in London, England.  Frankie ‘Flowers’ Ferragine did a presentation on food to grow.

Frankie is a family man raised at Holland Marsh north of Toronto so he grew up on homegrown produce. He said we can all grow vegetables in pots and in larger containers. Even a novice can buy transplants at the local nursery. Children can plant seeds and watch them grow into food they know (cherry tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and if you have the space for them even pumpkins). By growing your own you know where it has come from and what has been put on it. It is fresh and the taste is so much better than anything from a store. He commented about a grocery chain that will be selling imperfect produce and I wondered if the marketing gurus have realized that the public are buying more and more from local markets and roadside stands where food is fresh and good. Market gardeners and farmers are becoming bigger competition. What a thought!

Canada Blooms has become smaller but still gives some great ideas – a good marketplace as usual. A presentation on pollinators was very informative and thought provoking. Honey Nut Cheerios have a new program where they are giving away free wildflower seeds and want every Canadian to plant at least one seed. That would be 35 million seeds according to them. Go online to see their program and lots of good bee information.

Also there is a blog on the Breck’s website titled Bee-Buzz. Bees and other pollinators go for all bright colours. Early summer coneflowers and yarrow are good, then in mid-summer bee balm and hyssop, and for fall asters, sedums and sunflowers are popular. A sad footnote, the monarch butterflies have had another disaster in Mexico with reports of freezing rain hitting them hard.

Due to the March meeting being cancelled the April one will be full of information about our garden volunteer signup as well as a reminder about the annual plant auction, and Christine Nagy will tell us of the upcoming trip. The guest speaker will be Kevin Kavanaugh from St Williams talking about growing magnolias, rhododendrons and azaleas in Ontario.

The next meeting is April 5 @ 7:30 pm in the Seniors Centre Auditorium, Tillsonburg Community Centre. Members and non-members are welcome.

For information about the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society visit online.


Magnolias, Rhodes and Azaleas – April 5

Kevin Kavanaugh from South Coast Gardens will be the guest speaker for the Tuesday, April 5 general meeting of the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society. Kevin will be talking about Magnolias, Rhododendrons and Azaleas in Ontario.

South Coast Gardens is nestled along central Lake Erie in the heart of Ontario’s Carolinian Forest Region. At South Coast Gardens you can find nearly 150 species and varieties of rhododendrons and azaleas and a diversity of magnolias as well as a many plants native to Ontario and eastern North America.

The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Centre Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. All welcome.

An annual membership for 2016 costs $15 and offers significant benefits to card holders including discounts at area garden centres and nurseries.

Winter finally caught up to us

by Angela Lassam
It’s Still Just Dirt, The Tillsonburg News – February 24, 2016

First I wish to thank Penny Esseltine for her very interesting articles and constant updates on the gardening world. Members have certainly had inspiration and thoughtful moments reading her column. I hope that I can fill her shoes.

I am new to this and hope throughout my articles to encourage any reader to get active, healthy and enjoy the outdoors whilst reaping the rewards of the efforts made gardening however big or small. My musings may bring a smile or question and please pardon me as I am sure at some time that my English heritage will pop up and create a stir.

Although our winter has been strange – even the iris by the Legion woke up mid January – but guess what? Winter has caught up to us and we are into the ‘black and white’ world now. The birds are looking for food so please remember them as they are our good friends at other times of the year. It does seem as if the world has gone crazy, everywhere getting some very unusual happenings.

Time is on our side and has given us the chance to digest some of the colourful catalogues we all receive in our mail and maybe tag some oldies along with some new experimental choices. Personally they show me some wonderful colours that I am sure we all wish to emulate. Next is to order seeds and think on to preparing our seed trays. Maybe sort out our gardening cupboard, scrub those pots and forgotten tools or even find the first tools we need.

Although I missed the last meeting I understand it was uplifting for many of us cooped up indoors. Many pictures of so many types and colours.  Dr Albert Mok is well known for his vast knowledge on orchids which are becoming more available to us in the winter time in the garden centres and even big box stores.

Next month comes our first chance to see new growth even if most of it will be in the upcoming gardening shows.

 The first is the Stratford on March 3rd-6th, its 16th year. The theme is “Dig It” and makes me wonder how they will display this. Thursday features the local lavender people Steed located in Sparta.  Friday is Paul Zammit (our June speaker). Saturday is HGTV’s Carson Arthur and Sunday Frankie “Flowers” of Cityline. So the question is which day to go?  Maybe check the weather and take a ride.

Canada Blooms in Toronto March 11-20th  is a must for me. This year it’s 20 years old and the theme is “It’s a Party”. How fitting that is and no doubt it will be very colourful. The local nurseries have arranged bus trips in the past and are doing so again this year. It is a great day out and maybe team up with a friend for company and who knows it could result in a new member for our club and a future gardener in the making. The colours and smells are always a great encouragement and the market gives us new things to try every year. The Home Show in the same building gives us some great outdoor furniture ideas too.

Our next month’s meeting will feature Dennis Huck from Colour Paradise Greenhouses on March 1st @ 7:30 pm in the Senior Centre Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre.  Members and non-members welcome.

For information about the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society visit online.

Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers – March 1

Meeting cancelled due to inclement weather

Denise Huck of Paradise Greenhouses in Mannheim, Ontario will be the guest speaker for our March 1 meeting. Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers for 2016 will be her gardening topic. The plant information will be just in time for those of us who are already looking ahead to what will look good in our pots, urns and gardens this year. The meeting takes place in the Senior Centre Auditorium at the Tillsonburg Community Centre starting at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Refreshments follow the meeting.

Annual memberships in the society will be available and cost $15 each.

New Year’s Resolutions for the Garden

It’s Still Just Dirt – January 2016, The Tillsonburg News
by Penny Esseltine

The Tillsonburg Horticultural Society is gearing up for the 2016 year with plans for great speakers and excursions and other entertaining events throughout the year. And amidst all of the planning and organizing by executive members for the year ahead we’re going to talk about New Year’s Resolutions for the Garden.

I know, I know, your garden is buried under snow but you’ll be surprised to hear about some of the plans that gardeners have so early in the year.

For example … Joan Massicotte tells us that at her condo apartment she has only a small patio. “I have found through trial and error that I just don’t have room for large planters,” Joan says. So she is on the lookout for information about, and items to incorporate into the two fairy gardens that she is planning for her patio in 2016.

Christine Nagy knows just what she will be looking for for her garden this spring. “I spotted a unique hosta in a recent gardening magazine and fell in love with it immediately,” Christine says. “The difference with this hosta is that it has a colour that you won’t find in any other hosta. It has red petioles (the stalk of the leaf), red flower stems, a red blush in spring that lasts four to six weeks and a thin red edge to the leaves all season long.” Christine isn’t sharing the name or the source of this hosta because she says there are limited numbers available and she can’t wait to get one.

Juanita and Richard DeRoo are looking for two things this year, a dwarf cherry tree to add bloom and some height to their small garden as well as a lovely Godaishu peony in light yellow or orange for both colour and diversity. “We will remove an otherwise hum-drum peony to make way for the new,” they say, “and add a bit of a tongue to one bed to accommodate the new cherry tree, a sort of Japanese makeover for 2016.”

“My New Year’s resolution for 2016 is not to buy another plant until I’m sure I’ve decided where it is to be planted,” says Jean Mann. Jean says she needs to make sure she has just the right spot with the right amount of sunlight or shade for each plant she decides to bring home. Although her intentions are good, Jeans says she’s concerned about being able to stick to this resolution. “When I attend the first gardening show of 2016 and suddenly see all those beautiful plants just waiting for a good home, the temptation may be too hard to resist. Odds are if you check around my yard in the spring you’ll see a potted plant or two still waiting for me to find the perfect spot.”

Jan Torrell says instead of putting more perennial plants in the ground she’ll be looking to add annuals for show. “We are considering a move so I will want to dig out all the perennials and take them with me,” Jan says. That could be a lot of work.

Catherine Burke has plans to transform one of her front gardens where a woody honeysuckle is crowding out the hydrangea tree. “With the removal of the honeysuckle bush, I will need to fill the gap,” Catherine says. She plans to consult a local nursery for suggestions about what will best fill the space.

“My New Year’s resolution is to make my garden more manageable this year to make it easier on my back,” says Marian Smith. Marian says this will mean planting more native species that can look after themselves and using more mulch to prevent weeds.

Benoit Janssens has a New Year’s gardening resolution that he’d like to share with all gardeners. “If every one of us planted one native plant (a perennial, a grass, a tree or a shrub) we could collectively increase the chances that a bee, or butterfly, or worm, or bug, or even a bird would find this little island of sustainability during the growing season.” Ben encourages us to plant with nature in mind and give our local ecosystems a boost. “Grow a beautiful garden for yourself and for all of our local creatures too,” he says.

Thanks to my fellow Horticultural Society members who shared their New Year’s resolutions for the garden. As for me, my resolution remains the same as in years past. It’s more gardens, less grass. I’d much prefer to grow gardening spaces and add beautiful new plants than to nurture grass. Some would say my lawn speaks to that? Regardless, as with many things, anticipation is half the fun so it’s a New Year and we can all look ahead to new experiences in the garden in 2016. Enjoy!

This will be my last It’s Still Just Dirt column for the Horticultural Society and I’d like to express my thanks to the Tillsonburg News for helping us to promote gardening in the community through the column. I’m pleased to report that Angela Lassam will take on the It’s Still Just Dirt column starting in February.

As always, for information about the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society visit on line.