April 2, 2024 General Meeting

Last night, the THS general meeting was interesting and informative. 

President Christine welcomed 85+ members and guests. Secretary Barb V shared March Board meeting motions passed and Treasurer Frank detailed the financial position of the THS. 

Barb Q welcomed guest speaker Chris Streib B.SC (Kin), registered physiotherapist and owner of Talbot Trail Physio and Dayna Cartier, B. HK. 

Chris presented “Bend like a Sapling, Don’t Break like a Twig…”

Chris stressed the importance of warming up and stretching before you start gardening. Also set time limits and break up gardening tasks to avoid stress and strain. Chris touched on common injuries, how to prevent, recover and know when to take a break. Thank you Chris and Dayna! 

Tillsonburg are you ready? 

We are in the path of “totality” in the Total Eclipse of the Sun on Monday April 8, 2024. Director Cathy shared excellent information in preparation for this awesome lifetime event. The Eclipse will begin at 2:02pm and finish at 4:30pm. At 3:16:43 p.m., Full Totality begins. The sun will be blocked by the moon and remain this way for 2 minutes and 8 seconds. 

Cathy stressed “Safety First”  while watching the Solar Eclipse! 

NEVER view the sun with the naked eye or by looking through unfiltered optical devices like binoculars, telescopes, or your cellphone. You require special solar filters to use these to view the sun.

*   Do not use sunglasses or regular camera filters. They are NOT strong enough!

*   The only time you can view the sun without solar glasses is when full totality occurs. This will last for 2.08 minutes.

* Buy specially designed Solar Eclipse glasses from a reputable source with ISO150/23122 certification. 

Cathy shared a Pin-hole Projector. When using the Pin-Hole Projector, you place your back to the sun and look through the projector to safely view the sun. There are many resources on the internet for this fun family project. 

Next total solar eclipse with full totality in Tillsonburg will be October 26, 2144 at 2:31pm! 

President Christine, introduced community garden chairpersons and requested members to volunteer and sign up to assist in the gardens. She shared information regarding the Annual Garden Auction on May 21st and finally details for the Spring Buying Tour on May 30th. More details to follow on the THS spring events.

“Support the Hort”

Congratulations to Anne, she was spotted with her “tin mug” at the April meeting. Anne received a sweet prize. 

Next General Meeting ~ May 7,  2024, 

Brandon Thompson, Cannabis Benefits.

Thank you Talbot Trail Physiotherapy
Dayna, Barb and Chris
Thank you Cathy for a great Total Eclipse of the Sun presentation
“Lug A Mug” April General Meeting winner Anne