Get Your Ticket for July 7 Garden Tour

Tour of Gardens - Reg, Janet, Deb JPEG

Tillsonburg Horticultural Society’s Reg and Janet Butcher, and the Station Arts Centre’s Deb Beard have Beyond the Garden Gate Garden Tour tickets all ready to go..

Plans for the 2018 Beyond the Garden Gate Garden Tour are all in place and the July 7 event will feature a total of six spectacular gardens in Tillsonburg and  area. The event is coordinated by the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society along with Tillsonburg’s Station Arts Centre. Each garden will feature the work of a local artisan or musician.

Tickets for the Tour of Gardens cost $10 in advance or $12 on the day of the tour. They are available at the Station Arts Centre on Bridge Street, and at Merle Norman and Tillsonburg Garden Gate on Simcoe Street, as well as from organizing members of the Tillsonburg Horticultural Society.

We will be hoping for a beautiful day but of course the tour will go ahead rain or shine. Tillsonburg Garden Gate will offer a discount to shoppers (with a Tour of Gardens ticket) at their garden centre Friday through Sunday on the weekend of the tour. The Station Arts Centre will be open as well offering refreshments and an opportunity to enjoy their current exhibit called Horizons as well as the Bridge Street Gallery featuring work of the Stationhouse Potters.

A special thanks to all of the gardeners who are tirelessly preparing to share their gardens. Garden Visit Etiquette tips are printed on the back of the Garden Tour ticket/brochure.

Tour of Gardens ticket cover (1)